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My creative need for balance in my life on the Sunhine Coast, allows me to work,
paddle, dance, create and relax. I am always keeping up my skills for iving here,
for fun & work!

Racing outrigger canoes at the World Sprints in London, England, the summer of 2022,
was a new personal and team challenge, I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and racing
with the best ladies in the world.

Covid quieted things for most of us, and I reflected on the summer of 2015,
when I graduated with 4 Fashion Arts Certificates from VCC, while
working part time at a Vancouver boutique women's clothing store. 2015 was the year
my collection was shown at VFW (Vancouver Fashion Week).

I have been a book designer, professional office assistant, web designer, media and
and marketing guru and I still dabble in wearable art, calligraphy to name a few more

Paper, which I have made, is still one of my favourite mediums yet fabric uses alway
fascinate me! Fashion design, dance, music, illustration, making unique pop up
cards and computers keep my interests!

I find relaxation & fun when I paddle outrigger canoes, all year long, and play the piano,
guitar. I love 5rythms dance classes outside in nature and I want to tap and hip hop dance
again to always keep fit.

I love LOVE the sun, yet I live in a rain forest! My happiest times are with my two kids,
ages 37 and 35 and my three awesome grandchildren, ages 9, and under.

Balance in life and nature is so important to me!
I live in the present while looking to the future!


Dream Master Jacket - designed by charon 2015 - VCC Fashion Arts Graduate

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